By the far biggest surprise of the winter season and possibly the year is Disney's Frozen. Frozen initially looked like a rehash of Tangled with snow, but after 6 weeks of release, it's proven to be much more. Most saw Frozen doing no more than $200 million, around the same range as Tangled - Frozen's total as of now? $289 million, and counting - even after 7 weeks it'll be #1 this weekend, meaning its going to be out welllllll into 2014. Audiences have fallen for Frozen. The Disney princess musical has been attracting grown men just as much as young girls. The soundtrack is also #1 on Itunes. Just to give you an idea of how big Frozen is, it's going to end up the highest grossing original animated move ever and the biggest Disney animation of all time, topping The Lion King (counting out the re-release), which is ironic since TV ads were calling it the best Disney animation since then. Even Despicable Me 2's $367 million haul could be in danger, which is just flat out remarkable for a movie most analysts and movie buffs saw doing $200 million or less, and just remarkable period.
Gravity defied box office astronomy and has brought us a movie going experience that we really have never experienced. When Gravity finally crashes down, it'll be the highest grossing October movie ever - by over $100 million. Gravity's simple concept wasn't guaranteed to be a success, with most predicting an opening of $30 million or lower. $40 million was considered ballsy. Well, yeah Gravity ended up pulling a jaw-dropping $55 million in it's opening and thanks to its universal reviews and rollercoaster IMAX-esque experience, it held well in the weeks since and is now at $255 million where it has seemed to stall, but with guaranteed awards noms coming up, Gravity still has a few more millions to rake in well into the new year. I knew Gravity would be good, but that good? The last 10 minutes were the most emotionally invested/edge of my seat I've ever been in the theater. Truly life-changing. And with that said, after this I'm going to submit my application to NASA.
Also a contender for surprise of the year is World War Z. The June Brad Pitt led thriller shut up naysayers fast. Projected to open with $45 million or less by most, Z added to a record breaking June with a $66 million opening, #2 at the time for a movie that didn't open #1 (Frozen now has that #2). Z has finally died off with $202 million and with $540 million worldwide, Z showed that just because you have production problems doesn't mean your movie is destined to be a turd.
Comedy We're the Miller's was the biggest movie of August and the 2nd biggest comedy of the year, just $9 million shy of The Heat, and with an opening of only $26 million. Millers, the story of a fake family hired to smuggle drugs across the border, looked like a modest hit, but it proved to be more than modest as it had one of the best legs of any of the movies this summer. Most didn't even know Miller's was a thing until the first trailer, so a great run indeed.
Add The Conjuring to the list, which had phenomenal legs for a horror. Conjuring bucked the trend for horror movies and had steady 40% drops every weekend instead of the usual 60% or bigger. With a worldwide total of $316 million and only a $20 million budget, don't be surprised to get the hell scared out you, literally, again with a sequel.
A few other better-than-expected surprises were Bad Grandpa (that 2nd weekend drop!), Warm Bodies, Now You See Me, Identity Theft, Great Gatsby, 42, Captain Phillips, and Planes.
Surprises can go both ways. With its share of "wow that made so much more than I expected!", theres a crop of "wow that sucked, it didn't even make half of what I thought". White House Down is possibly the biggest offender of the year. It had everything going for it - Channing Tatum fresh off a stellar 2012, Jamie Foxx who was hot off Django, a late June release, Roland Emmerich, an appealing concept, a democrat President, a flashy budget, and a cool title. What more did Sony need? Well, Sony definitely didn't need Olympus Has Fallen. Olympus was a cheaper version of Down with cheaper effects, a cheaper star, coming from a cheap B-list studio, yet Olympus went on to pull near $100 million, which makes it a 2013 surprise as well. I'm telling you the trailers looked straight-to-Netflix quality, but the movie was actually badass. Unfortunately, not too many people wanted to see basically the same movie just 3 months later. Down opened to an appalling $24 million, $15 million lower than The Heat which it was projected to beat, and has finished with a weak $73 million. I call that weak considering a total of $150 million or higher was most everyone's expectations. Maybe we'll get a Mount Rushmore Down or Fort Knox Down or Golden Gate Bridge Down, and White House will be redeemed. Can't wait for the Waffle House Down parody. It's coming. I feel it.
Most expected After Earff, The Lone Ranger, Turbo, Jack the Giant Slayer, Hangover 3, Gangster Squad, RIPD, Scary Movie 5, and Believe to dissapoint, so not really a surprise there.
Beautiful Creatures, The Host, and City of Bones weren't expected to be the next Hunger Games and Twilight, but they should've at least been able to become the new something. None did well enough to justify a franchise and with Twilight finished and minus Hunger Games, it makes you wonder if the young adult genre has lost it. At least they still have Barnes N Noble. With Maze Runner, Vampire Academy, Divergent, and The Giver, 2014 has a lot to prove or Hollywood will be leaving young adults adaption-less soon after.
Can we nominate a month? Yes. And I nominate February. February 2013 was dreadful. The worst grossing and attended in over 10 plus years. This is even more disappointing considering February 2012 set a gross record and was the 4th best attended ever. January wasn't special either and if it wasn't for a strong 2012 Christmas slate, it would've been equally ugly. At least we had June.
Another disappointing fact is that Thor: The Dark World and Star Trek Into Darkness won't be occupying the domestic top 10. Both looked to dominate based on the success of their predecessors, but it wasn't enough after all. Trek was stuck between Iron Man 3 and Furious 6, couldn't break out of its niche audience, and Paramount didn't do a good job showing audiences who saw Star Trek in 2009 why they should come back after a 4 year wait and secret villain. Into Darkness' gross of $228 million domestic and $467 worldwide is pretty dang good, but everyone seemed to be expecting a little more. Ehh, actually a lot more...Thor 2 started off well thanks to the Marvel brand, but couldn't hang on due to competition and lukewarm reception. Good thing overseas loves Marvel as Thor has picked up $627 million worldwide.
2013 like every year had its hits and misses, but eye-openers is one 2013 had plenty of. From Gravity shattering Fall records to Hangover 3 completely dropping the ball to Frozen seeming to please pretty much everyone, 2013 was a year for the calendar. Since 2014 seems to have a line up full of "eh's", there's a chance those "eh's" will surprise and put 2014 on the map, but for now 2013 is truly the year no one saw coming.
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